Tanya Preminger’s award-winning book series has been published independently on Amazon and other platforms, and appeared on the bestselling lists in the US, UK, Germany, France and Italy. The series has won the “Moms Choice Awards”.

Tanya strongly believes in the power of literature as a means to growth, education and cultivation of curious, compassionate, happy children. Her main goal in writing the books was to hook beginner readers on fiction via a fun, fast paced entertaining story which they can easily relate to. And hopefully- keep them hooked on reading for their entire life.

The books are characterized by day to-day language and abundant use of dialogues, large font, and many vivid illustrations, thus not to intimidate the kids who are not fast readers yet.
On the story line level, kids will find it is refreshing to meet a main character who behaves like a real kid. Sean is energetic and opinionated, creative and unruly, and not surprisingly, as the reader will discover, does not always make the right choices. Tanya believes that todays sophisticated YouTube TikTok young crowd would be able recognize his good versus bad choices and relate better to round character who’s behavior is less than perfect at times.

New York period

Though an avid reader and writer from early childhood, Tanya first chose to develop her visual arts talents, and graduated in architecture. A few years into the profession she quit and moved to the East Village in New York city to pursue a writing career. Her early work included short stories, which were published in literary magazines around the US, and screenplays, in her typical concise style.

Becoming a soccer mom

Years later, the inspiration to write children’s books came from her 6 years old son, as Tanya looked for creative ways to teach him values, develop his grit and work on his vocabulary. Since his only interest was soccer, the books plot revolves around a boy who dreams of being a professional soccer player, but they explore universal subjects as self-esteem, overcoming fears, dreaming big, working for your cause, and other matters which are amongst the challenges of modern parenthood.

The "Sean Wants To be Messi" book series was originally written in US English and translated to UK English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese and Hindi.

Following the success of the books and the praise of the illustrations, Tanya and Elettra collaborated on a collection of T-shirts, and other merchandise.

More about the author in her blog-

About author life
Being a soccer mom

Short facts about Tanya:

Born: 17.12 .68
Place of birth: Moscow, Russia
Lived for 8 years: East village, New York city
Household members: 1 husband, 1 kid, 2 dogs, 4 cats.
Forgotten fact: At the age of 10 Tanya won 3rd place in an International children’s sand sculpture competition in Acapulco, Mexico.
Funny fact: Tanya’s mothers name is also Tanya Preminger and she is an international artist and sculptor.

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